New Bedford Preservation Society Summer Walking Tour Series


, New Bedford, MA 02740


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The New Bedford Preservation Society’s Summer Walking Tour Series Starts on June 14th with the “Old Bedford Village”, Gather at 6pm at the Friend’s Meeting House 83 Spring Street. This tour will present a fascinating snapshot of local and national history through the homes of whaling caption and merchants, the Quaker society Friends Meeting House, to Nathan and Mary (Polly) Johnson House where Frederick Douglass began his journey as an abolitionist and civil rights leader.

The Second tour to the Summer Walking Tour Series, “Neighborhoods of the Textile Era” is on July 12 Gather at 6pm at the Grinnell Mansion, 379 County Street. New Bedford was an important center for textile production in the world at the industry’s peak in the early 1900s. This tour will highlight some of the neighborhoods and explore the legacy of this long and eventful history of New Bedford.

The third tour of the Summer Walking Tour Series, “Victorian New Bedford”, is on August 9th. Gather at 6pm at the Wamsutta Club, 427 County Street. The homes which grew up along the quiet residential ways are characteristic of the 19th century architectural styles of New Bedford. Most of the homes on this walking tour are the result of enormous growth in manufacturing, transportation and commerce in New Bedford from 1850 to 1900 and are architectural treasures of an era that influenced a nation.

City: New Bedford